I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something is amiss. There is a dearth of time these days. Maybe it’s because school restarted, maybe it’s because of a leak in space-time… hard to say. But I’ll forgo the more complex entry and do something simpler this week (and maybe I’ve gotten a little crazy… does anyone really care about fried eggplant?).

Fran and the kids decided to go camp in the Alpine Loop w/ Fran’s sister and some cousins. Their goal: Hike Mount Timp (well, most of it). Gabe stayed at home w/ Cam since he was too small to make the hike.

Up they went! Fran carried Chloe on her back and the kids helped carry supplies.

Fran said the hike was beautiful. They made it all the way to Emerald Lake. Mike wasn’t a very happy camper, but the promise of two Krispy Cream donuts kept him going. All told they hiked over 13 miles and even made it back alive. Not bad for kids as young six, and a mom with a baby on her back!